E-access allows you to manage and maintain rolling cabinet conveniently from mobile devices equipped with NFC interface.
This mobile application allows:
- Manage the stock of rolling cabinets.
- Manage the list of available users.
- Assign and remove user permissions on the stock of rolling cabinets registered in the application.
- Read the battery level.
- Customize the auto-closing time of the tool cart. The rolling cabinets are preconfigured with an auto-closing of 3 minutes, which can be modified with the application.
- Time setting of the rolling cabinet.
- Reset the rolling cabinet deleting the complete list of users.
- Read events of the rolling cabinet, determining who or when has operated the cabinet.
- Auxiliary functions such as:
- Backup copies of the information and permissions contained in the cabinet.
- Password reminder. The system has a PIN, set to 0000 by default, which can be modified if an email is sent to the app.
The app will send the customized pin to this address if the user forgets it.
- 管理滚动柜股票。
- 管理可用的用户列表。
- 分配和在应用程序中注册滚动柜股票删除用户权限。
- 阅读电池电量。
- 自定义工具车的自动关闭时间。滚动柜已预先配置了3分钟的自动闭合,其可以与应用程序进行修改。
- 滚动柜的时间设置。
- 重置滚动柜删除用户的完整列表。
- 阅读滚动柜的事件,确定谁或当操作了内阁。
- 辅助功能,如:
- 包含在橱柜中的信息和权限备份副本。
- 密码提醒。该系统具有一个PIN,默认被设置为0000,其可以如果电子邮件被发送到应用程序进行修改。